Tips For Lasting Longer in Bed

Tips For Lasting Longer in Bed - Stop Being Embarrassed and Beat Premature Ejaculation Permanently!

For a man, nothing is worse than ejaculating prematurely when having sex. It can make you feel nervous, affect your enjoyment and reduce the amount of time you spend at sex. The good news is that this problem can be easily remedied! Keep reading and learn how you can stop an early ejaculation... even when all else seems to fail!

Putting The Brakes On Premature Ejaculation

As you probably already know, if you continue thrusting away during sex and let your arousal build up quickly, you will soon end up with a quick shower instead. The trick to lasting longer is to control your orgasm and the pleasures it gives rise to - at the right moment. This is how...

Step #1 - Squeeze Hard

The next time you feel the tingle of an arousal around your penis glans or head, squeeze or contract your pelvic muscles (these are the muscles you use when you attempt to stop the flow of urine). When you push down on these muscles, you will stop the arousal from peaking too fast. Hold this position for around 5 seconds and then relax. This will take the excess pressure off you and help you enjoy sex for a longer time.

Step #2 - Start Again

Once you have relaxed the muscles for some time, continue intercourse. Every once in a while, when you feel the orgasmic tension rising again, repeat Step #1.

Step #3 - Step Things Up!

If after a few minutes, you feel that your sexual tensions are building up and you are not quite ready to finish the sex (or if your woman is not having her fill), squeeze the pelvic muscles longer, up to a count of seven. Relax consciously after this and then continue with the intercourse.

Remember, a very important part of doing the above routine rests on how well you can control your pelvic muscles. Weak pelvic muscles will not respond that well to the squeezes that you do.

The best way to strengthen your pelvic muscles is to practice the exercises when you are pleasing yourself alone. Not only will you be more relaxed at those times, you will also find it easier to manage your arousal because you don't have to think about someone else's pleasures!

Lloyd Lester is the creator of "Ejaculation By Command", a complete, step-by-step blueprint to help men permanently end premature ejaculation and last longer in bed. Learn how you can develop superior sexual endurance and enjoy transformative sex by visiting the Ejaculation By Command here:

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